Contributing to AussieADSB

AussieADSB's coverage is thanks to all of our feeders around Australia. Every receiver plays a part in expanding our coverage to every corner of Australia, filling gaps and increasing reliability.

If you already have a receiver and would like to share your data, download and install the feeding client below.

Desired Coverage

We would like to have coverage of all Australia, as well as the surrounding areas within Oceania. There are some areas that are higher priority which are listed below:

Feeding Client

The feeding client sets up a feed from your receiver to our server and automatically adds your receiver to the website. No port forwarding or other setup required, and it restarts the feed if the hardware restarts. Registration is just a few questions to let us know who you are and how to contact you, and roughly where the receiver is located.

The program forwards data from a running Mode S/ADS-B decoder (installed with all flight tracking feeder SD card images), if it is being installed on a fresh setup please install Dump1090 or any other decoder. It is designed to run alongside other data forwarders and feeding programs so you may feed to as many sites as you would like.

To contact us for help, feedback and bug reports, you can email or message our page on Facebook.

1. Download Debian package
32-bit ARM (All Raspberry Pi's except RPi 3 Model A+)
64-bit ARM (Supported by some newer Raspberry Pi's)
64-bit x64 (Mainly for desktop PCs)

2. Install Debian package
Replace [platform] to match the file that was downloaded
Tip: press tab to autocomplete the filename
sudo dpkg -i aussieadsbclient.1.1.0.[platform].deb

3. Register feed
sudo aussieadsbclient -register

Linux screenshot

1. Download
Windows 64-bit x64
Windows 32-bit x86

2. Run 'Open Command Prompt Here.bat'
Windows screenshot

3. Register feed
Type the following into the command prompt window and press enter:
aussieadsbclient -register

Frequently Asked Questions

You can see if your feed is connected on the status page or by running the following command on your receiver:
aussieadsbclient -status

The following command can be used to view the output of ModeSMixer2 on Linux:
sudo systemctl status modesmixer2

If your email is changing or you're moving house, run the following command to let us know:
aussieadsbclient -updateinfo

Alternatively feel free to contact us via email or Facebook (links above).
An admin will update the receiver name soon after if the location is different.

If you no longer want to send your data or got a new receiver and want to deregister the old one, run the following command:
sudo dpkg -r aussieadsbclient

On Windows, you can stop feeding by running aussieadsbclient -deregister

Yes, you can install the feeding client on any device and later edit the script that runs ModeSMixer2 to specify a custom source IP/port.
On Linux the script can be found at /usr/share/aussieadsbclient/
On Windows the StartMM2.bat file can be found in the same folder as aussieadsbclient.exe.

This can be useful for sharing from devices that output data over the network but you don't have access to.

Sometimes Raspberry Pi's just stop working, if your receiver is still on the website and you can't uninstall the client or deregister the feed just contact us via email or Facebook (links above) and we can remove it manually.


1.1.0 (17/10/2023) Updated to .NET 7 Device info is now also sent for troubleshooting and support Various bug fixes Stability and performance improvements 1.0.0 (18/3/2022) Initial release